We’ll get to know your organization, your team and your specific needs. We’ll narrowly focus on what you want to achieve and we’ll start with the end in mind.
We will gather information on gaps and opportunities that will facilitate further research in preparation for an assessment.
And we’ll share our experience to align your goals and our skills and experience.
We’ll do a light-touch audit of your data and analytics systems as well as your analyst and reporting team members and workflows.
This is a high value process with a focus on quick-win improvements with tangible suggestions as well as strategic, and thoughtful ideas that fit into a REDi Health framework that will guide our implementations.
The tools, models and frameworks that we bring to the process are thoughtful but focused on finding the 20% of opportunities that represent 80% of the value. This is our method to delivering value from day one versus the alternative approach that takes too long and delays results.
We’ll make thoughtful recommendations that you can implement quickly alongside experienced staff that guide you along the way.
We’ll teach the team you have or we’ll augment your team with our expert staff-some of the brightest analytics thinkers in the industry.
We’ll lay out our go-forward recommendations against a timeline that give you insight into time and costs to see results. It is an intuitive and transparent process. You accept what you like, and we discard what doesn’t fit. This is a customized approach that delivers exceptional value without fluff and overhead.
They range from days to months depending on what you need. But we have easy minimums to lower the bar to get going with us to then see results. We are about simplifying the process to see value and you’ll see that we are very easy to work with. We have some of the smartest people in all of healthcare and they like to work with us because we create a great work environment. We hire only the best and we treat them exceptionally well so that they stick with us. That benefits you because you’ll get exceptional value from day one for as long as you need our services.
If you have a team, we’ll work alongside them to teach them how to do this work, but if you don’t, no problem. We’ll augment your team with our team and soon they’ll feel like an extension of your core team. We will need executive involvement because our recommendations will be material and they will require key stakeholder buy in to implement the improvements. But we’ll help you to get your leadership team on board. It is what we’ve done for more than 20 years. The data insights and the material improvements will substantiate the value we bring to the table.
Currently, we are focused on the U.S. domestic market. At some point, we’ll expand, but for now we’ll do our best to give you guidance and to make intros to partners that we are forming across the globe.
We are an analytics service company so our product is data insights. We perform opportunity assessments, implementations of tools into your environment and integration of your source data systems into a data warehouse that becomes a platform on top of which we deliver analytics intelligence.
We primarily operate within your data security and privacy infrastructure so your policies define the protection on your data. If you choose to host in the cloud, we partner with some of the most secure systems on the globe and we’ll make introductions so you can evaluate the risk/reward of on-premise versus in-the-cloud hosting.